EU Programs Consulting Solutions
In our other role as counselor to an applicant or a partner to a funded program, our team of experts covers the full range of provision of services, starting with locating the suitable programs according to Clients’ profile, the sources of financing and possible partners, continuing in assisting with proposal/bid drafting and going as far as the project management and possibly the cooperation in the successful implementation of awarded projects. The phases here consist of:
Identification, of the available/suitable programs and funding sources depending on several parameters according to clients, making the SWOT and suitability analysis (cost-benefit, collaborations, competition), building joint ventures etc.
Proposal Development, by elaborating of authoritative technical and financial bids including the suitable methodology and technical parts, the examination and establishment of necessary human and material resources, the competitive budgeting and the overall technical and legal advising on procedures, etc.
Project Management by providing advising on the inception, implementation, application and exploitation phases, planning the development works and contingencies, problem-solving, timetabling and monitoring of activities, risk assessment and reporting, etc.
Implementation through the participation of our experts in project teams and their involvement in workgroups activities, as well as the identification and supply of external expertise and consulting on specific outreach tasks as needed, etc.
Visibility and communication by developing a respective strategy and plan and assisting in the appropriate dissemination of project results and the information flow to stakeholders and the public about the project impacts.